Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Colonoscopy confusion

Okay, So I called my mother yesterday to get all the dirty details of her colonoscopy. I seemed to be having much more anxiety over this procedure than her. My wish to have my "exit" door remain so is one of the many things I obsess about on a daily basis. That back door is strictly for evacuation. So obsessed am I and my best friend "Ethel" about this that we have vowed that if we ever find ourselves in the situation which may indicate the need for any type of rectal invasion procedure that we must, must, must keep it to ourselves. Most grown-ups are much more matter-of-fact about this and while would rather not, will do it if necessary. My mom being one of them. So, she shows up at the doctors office at the appointed time, is escorted to the back procedure room (yikes....It makes me want to have diarrhea just thinking about it.) The nurse proceeded to question her about the preliminary procedures which were supposedly to have been done at home prior to the colonoscopy. She informs Nurse that she has done nothing. She is then questioned some more about why she had not done the highlighted instructions that were sent to her. She said that she had indeed received the instructions and none were highlighted but many were "crossed out" which she interpreted as DO NOTHING. Nurse found this to be a mystery until my mother produced the directional pamphlet out of her handbag and showed her what exactly had been crossed out. It was then determined that there had been a huge communication breakdown and my mother informed Nurse that "words covered in blue indicate that they should NOT be done and everyone one knows that anything that is ever highlighted is done so in yellow." My mom has rescheduled for January.


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