Thursday, November 10, 2005

Open mouth, insert foot.

Dateline: My Elementary School. I was walking through one of the common areas that six classrooms share when I spy one of my favorite families having lunch. Mom, Daughter and young Son. Most lovely Daughter calls out to me in a booming voice designed to rise above all the noise that only first, second and third graders can make: "Hello Mrs. Kirkpatrick!!" I in turn called out in a mimicing booming voice: "Hello Miss Bates, Hello Mrs. Bates, Hello Master Bates!" It was outta my mouth and into the ears of many before I could retrieve it. Mrs. Bates and I collapsed into laughter. I have yet to hear of any repercussions that I know will eventually come back to haunt me. Some people just spend their days looking for something to complain about and are thrilled when it could even involve a formal complaint or grievance form.


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